Thursday, November 29, 2012

Staying On-Topic in Newsgroups

USENET has managed to retain a loyal following for almost three decades. There is a good reason for this. Many of the users on the USENET system have very little tolerance for people ruining good conversations by getting off topic in their posts. Here are some criteria that you can use to make certain that you do not get crossways with this important etiquette requirement of posting on USENET newsgroups.

Red Herrings

A red herring is an intellectually dishonest debate tactic - it's sometimes defined as a logical fallacy, as well - wherein the person putting forward the red herring attempts to draw attention away from the argument at hand by pointing out something irrelevant. This is a form of going off-topic. If you do this in a USENET debate, people will generally recommend you either start a new article about the red herring that you brought up or will point out that you're being intellectually dishonest and that what you're saying is completely irrelevant. Do this enough and you'll be kicked out of a newsgroup.

Advocacy Arguments

If you're having an argument in a group that is not specifically political in its focus, you can get yourself into big trouble by making arguments based on advocacy. For example, if you have some compelling reason to believe that the universe is shrinking instead of expanding and keep throwing that argument into every conversation about physics, you're going to get yourself in trouble. If you want to have a debate about a topic, be honest and say you want to have a debate. Don't turn every other argument you participate in into an excuse to advocate for the same position over and over. People will find it tedious and will generally kick you from the newsgroup.

Incorrect Information

Pointing out that somebody is incorrect in an assertion made during the course of a newsgroup debate is completely fair. In fact, it's useful to everybody else in the newsgroup. What aren't relevant are attacks on the character of the person who made the original assertion and hammering on their other assertions because one of them happens to be based in incorrect information. Remember that personal attacks are considered poor form on newsgroups and that they're likely to get you booted. Not only are personal attacks rude and disruptive, they are never the point of what is being discussed. They are almost always off topic.

The Test

If you want to make certain that you stay on good terms with the moderators of any of the newsgroups to which you subscribe and participate in, always perform the following test before posting anything. Read your post back to yourself aloud. If it sounds like its wandering, like it doesn't really have a point or that it doesn't specifically relate to the topic being discussed, it's usually a good idea to skip posting it. Either refine the post so it is in arguably on topic or sit out the particular debate that you were going to post about. Your fellow newsgroup subscribers will appreciate it.

Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

How To Find Suitable Forums To Post Your Comments Online

Forum marketing is a great way to create back links to your online home business website. When you're just starting out on the web with your Internet enterprise driving targeted traffic to your product offer should be a top priority and by regularly visiting and posting to online forums you can bring the interested visitors you need to your web page.

The question now becomes how do you find suitable bulletin boards to provide the people who are looking for what you're selling? The first thing you can do is make use of your favorite search engine and enter your key words to find chat rooms that are most relevant to your topic. Examine the results of your search and visit each website to find out if they have a related forum that you can post your comments on.

There's also a tremendous resource you can use called "forum list" which is a guide to the top Internet marketing forums online and also helps you find other types of discussion boards you may be searching for on the Internet.

When you believe you've found relevant forums be sure to examine each one individually before posting your remarks to ensure it's worth your time and effort to add your comments. You should first discover whether or not it's a chat room with regular posters who respond to other people's comments in a timely fashion.

If you see a remark which was added 6 weeks ago that hasn't attracted a response it would be best to avoid such a website and continue looking for one which is much more active. Also look at how many comments a day are posted to the particular forum you're investigating which is also a good indication of how popular it is.

Try to find out how many members have subscribed to the discussion board you're researching as well as how many readers or viewers it has per day. This will tell you whether or not the potential audience provided makes it worth your while spending time trying to get your message across in order to attract other members to your website.

Be sure to read some of the posts made at the forum you're considering joining to make sure the content being added is relevant, topical and valuable to other members. You should avoid bulletin boards where the primary objective is advertising and where members don't provide valuable information for other subscribers even though they may have posted looking for answers to their questions.

Research is a very important aspect of many areas of your online home based business and Internet forums are no exception. Always look at these chat rooms individually before you invest your time and effort trying to attract targeted visitors to your home page by posting your comments because as you'll soon discover your Internet marketing time is too valuable a commodity to waste.

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How Many Forum Boards Are Too Many?

Forum boards contribute to the overall layout and design of your forum, and thus, decide its longevity. There should be serious attention to detail regarding all aspects of your forum's appearance. Most of the time Internet marketers and other administrators that make a forum structure its layout according to their forum posts, but totally forget about how different structures would lead to a tailor-made forum that is ideal for your audience.

Following are some tips on how to manage your forum boards so that the forum may not look cluttered. An uncluttered forum is one which is easy to navigate through.

1. Categorizing:

Imagine if all the entries of a forum would be uncategorized. In such a forum, it would become so difficult to even access the homepage as all the content would be thrown out in front. That is why categorizing forum posts are such an important and down to earth procedure. The key here is to make simple and logically correct categories that are easy to find. Care must be taken so that the categories are diverse enough so that sub-categories can be made in the future.

The most common mistakes that most Webmasters does are:

They assign all the posts to "general" category:

What that does is it makes the forum tedious to navigate as all the entries are put in the general category, rather than assigning them to their appropriate sections.

The categories are not diverse enough:

This is an amateur mistake that generally goes away with experience. Here, the webmasters make categories related to individual posts. By not being pro-active and not having an idea of the long term direction of the forum, even the categories become cluttered and, thus, are hard to navigate.

2. Uncluttered forum:

The most complicated and hard to navigate forums are quite often not the most informative and user- friendly. Just like having a pile of books around your room does not make you any more clever, and you basically end up having an untidy room, likewise, having a forum with too many forum boards will make the experience that much tougher for the visitor. Who wants to navigate through 50+ forum topics and nine different forum boards to get what they were looking for? One way to have a clean little simple forum is to make new forum boards only as a last resort; ideally there should be only one forum board which we will refer to as the main forum board.

This should contain all the different forum topics like a book. You see, a book also has just one contents page. Is it not tedious when we come across books that had previously compiled separately and are now merged into one; they too have more than one contents page. Although a forum is much easier and carefree to navigate, but we do not recommend having more than three or four forum boards for your website; whether it be Internet marketing or general purpose.

Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

Simple Forum Marketing Tips

When in the world of forum marketing, everything depends upon the traffic. You may be equipped with brilliant and outstanding products, but what possibly you will do if you are devoid of any of the audiences is the real question. This piece of writing takes into review the various ways, which can be implemented in order to gather up a larger, more abundant increase in traffic.

First, you should select and reach the correct forums. You can search online for the forums, which deal with your particular interest of business. It is advisable to choose from the top few forums since these are where the major chunk of population and traffic exists.

Once you have joined in these forums, there are certain rules that you should be following in order to make people like and listen to you. (Build Credibility) For that, you should be a good listener initially and then a good speaker. If you will come to conquer the forums and speak about yourself, no one will listen to you. However, if you listen to people first and come up to his or her demands, you will gain interest in others.

Make a good and a strong user profile. This will have two advantages: firstly, it will make people realize what you are and what strong points you have so that if they question your reliability in case of some of your tough gestures, your profile well justifies and compliments you. The other and the most important advantage is that forum moderators will come to know that you are present on their forums just because you are serious.

Many of the business professionals suggest that the true power and success that they have acquired was from "asking questions". You need to build up core questions along with some really good flowcharts, which can compliment a person's ideas. Make people divert themselves along your flowcharts by giving them options and then in the end, present them with what you have to offer and how you can make their life easier or solve their problems.

Do not answer haphazardly to posts. Always try posting informational content and comments, which are helpful in solving problems and answering their questions and providing them with real answers.

One of the good tips here is to make a strong signature. By a strong signature, it is meant to make a signature that contains your website's URL and how you can define your business in a sentence or two. This will help you in such a way that the more you interact on these forums, the more your website's URL will appear. Not only will it increase the traffic, but it will also help you in summing up back links, with the help of which, search engine crawlers will search for your website repeatedly, which will augment the SEO rankings of your website.

At forum marketing, it is not the jack of all spades, alone the master of one particular field matters. Prepare yourself fully with one particular subject. Subsequently, advertise and attract people towards that subject with your strong knowledge. Implementing all these points, you will definitely create an increased awareness and lead generation from forum marketing.

Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

How Is Forum Posting Boosting Your Online Business?

Most online marketers consider forum posting as one of the weakest way to promote any website. However, forum posting can be considered as a very strong strategy, which can bring the website high traffic, reliability and big sales, provided that it is used correctly. The process although is very benefiting, but not as simple as it sounds to be, and normally, it requires the assistance of a highly professional team such as a renowned SEO team to handle the whole process to help you get the benefits within no time.

Forum posting is an extremely effective and cheap strategy, which an online marketer can implement, as it is an extremely efficient way of building one way links to the website. In forum posts, a signature of the webmaster is posted at the end usually. Nowadays, text links can be placed in that signature anchor, which on being clicked are taken to the presented website.

It is a fact that if someone is more regular on a highly respectable forum, the chances of the signature being displayed become much more. Signatures will allow people to recognise you, and if you are good at answering their queries in a nice way and can solve problems for them easily, these people will start to have confidence in you. Once you have succeeded to gain their confidence and trust, they will always seek for your advice and suggestions regarding important issues. This tactic will allow you to build their interest in the field you are expert in, the things that you have to offer and the marketing strategies you use etc. Once the trust is there, more people will click on your signature and would visit your webpage, hence making your visitors your clients.

There are many web promotion companies that can help those of you who do not have the time to become regular on such crucial forums. This team will help create a profile according to your demands, and they will become active on that forum for you.

This hiring company will be very experienced and will very easily build a good reputation for you. With their excellent behaviour, witty replies and the finest ways of answering questions, they will make people 'like' you, and consequently click on the link. Forum posting is definitely the cheapest way of web promotion but is extremely effective. The efficiency of forum posting is seen by the extremely rapid results, provided that it is done properly.

Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

How To Use Forums In Your Relationship Marketing Strategies

Are forums a part of your relationship marketing strategies? Using forums in your relationship marketing strategies will make the difference between success and failure online today. There are many ways to build relationships such as blogging, social media and forums. Let's look at building relationships with forum marketing.

Forums are an excellent way to meet prospective clients, buyers and JV partners in your niche. There are thousands of forums online today. You must be selective in choosing which forums you participate in. I recommend you be active in just a few. Otherwise, your time will be consumed with forum marketing and your business will suffer.

To find the right forums to join, Google "your niche forums" for example if your niche is dog training, you would enter "dog training forums" into the Google search bar. Make sure the forums you choose to join are active, lively and of good quality. If these forums are not active then you will be wasting your time setting up your profile, starting new threads and commenting on others, if only a handful of people ever use that forum. You want to make sure that the forum you choose has dozens or more new comments topics and threads daily. It's not unusual to Google forums only to discover that many of them have not had a new topic or reply in weeks or months. These will be a waste of time and energy.

The next thing you should do to make the most of your relationship marketing strategies is to fill in your profile information making sure you use a recent photo of yourself, a description of what you do, some of your interests and likes, and of course your website. Next you will need to create a signature for all of your posts. This is very important as everything you say, regardless of whether it's a new topic thread or reply, will include your signature. Be sure to include in your signature a relevant link to either your website, opt in page to build your list or offer. Something to be aware of is that you can change this link in your signature as often as you wish depending upon what you are promoting at the time. When you change this link every topic thread or reply you have ever made within this forum will be updated with this new link. This is an awesome powerful tool! I recommend you use it to its fullest extent.

Be sure that you give relevant information, are helpful, considerate and conversational. No one pays attention or responds to someone who's constantly blasting out their products and offers. That's what the link in the signature is for. If you are seen as someone who over promotes or spams, in all likelihood you will be booted out of the forum.

Forums are an excellent way to build up your relationship marketing strategies and get to know others in your niche with similar interests. Remember the whole point is to build relationships not promote your business. That will follow as a natural progression if you're building relationships with forum marketing.

Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

Mutual Aid

The internet is a great tool to help and assist others. There are a few new sites today that offer people an opportunity to ask and offer their help online and in the real world.

Today, through the web, anyone can get tips and guidance from people they've never met, regarding a variety of topics: from parenthood and pregnancy to how to work your phone. With the help of different chats and forums, anyone can choose a site that relates to the topic they're interested in: those who need help can post their questions and read others' answers; and on the other side of the keyboard - those who want to help out can share their experience and wisdom with others.

And it doesn't end with tips and virtual guidance, but with actual help that total strangers are willing to give to people in need. Lately sites like Facebook and Twitter have shown that they could be more than just a virtual gathering place for friends, but also a big help when someone wants to spread the word fast about serious matters: an old man who got lost and his family would like to know if anyone had seen him, a puppy who is looking for a new home or the whereabouts of a vast protest.

But it doesn't have to be a life or death situation, the internet can also be a huge help with smaller and simpler matters. There are a few new sites today like fetchmob ( and Swifto ( that aim to help out whenever someone is in need, even if it's for a very small inconvenience. These platforms give people the option to ask for help when they need to buy something or to perform a small task they can't do by themselves. These websites were made for people who got stuck and need help quickly or for busy fellows that don't have time to do errands themselves. Other sites such as Airbnb aim towards finding people a place to stay while they're traveling. With these platforms, travelers can publish when and where they would like to stay and residents of that area can offer their home if they have the extra space.

Today, thanks to the internet, people can offer their help and get a small fee or nothing in return. They do so by: giving tips and sharing their experience; sharing a post on their Facebook wall and by doing so passing on a request or some information; Others can respond to a person in need who asks for a spare tire, a clean diaper or a vacant room.

At the end of the day, the internet has proven that many people are actually good Samaritans and happy to help total strangers in need.

Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

How To Use A Forum To Increase Your Website's Traffic

Virtually the same question confronts all website owners, which is, how do I substantially increase and maintain my traffic flow? While there are many ways to go about this, such as SEO, bum marketing, or doing promotions of some kind. One of the most reliable tried and true methods; is starting a free forum and letting your visitors contribute to your growth.

Most websites today are based on a specific topic. The vast majority of the people that find a site, more than likely got there by doing a search using one of the major search engines such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo. By doing a search, these visitors have indicated very strongly that they have an interest in the subject matter your site is based on.

In other words, they want as much information as possible, and in certain instances, they would not mind passing along the knowledge that they already have. If you would like to encourage this activity, and keep at least some of these visitors coming back to your site on a regular basis, there is no better way than starting a free forum.

A forum allows for an open dialogue about any topic imaginable. However, when they are sponsored by a website, you want to keep the discussions focused on the websites theme.

Let's use a website that is broadly based on "Business News" as an example. Now, let's suppose the Federal Reserve Bank announced that it was going to raise interest rates today. Would there be a great deal of interest in this news story? Of course there would, and people would want to share their opinions on the Fed's decision.

Some people, such as retirees, would like it because it would increase the monthly earnings on their savings and money market accounts. Whereas other people, like real estate brokers, would not like it because it would slow down home sales.

So, some people would be happy, and other people would be upset. However, almost all of them would want to know what other people just like them felt about the Fed's most recent move. This is exactly how very lively and hotly debated threads get started, which hopefully will lead to those people coming back time and again reading what other people thought about their comments.

People like reading what they themselves have written, and they like it even more, when somebody agrees with their views. They sometimes do not like it when somebody criticizes, or disapproves of something they wrote. When this happens, arguments can break out, and heated words are often exchanged.

People love forums for many other reasons than the ones mentioned above. If you have been searching for a way to substantially increase the traffic flow to your website, starting one could certainly be the way to go about it. However, there is one word of warning. These things have a way of taking a "Life of their own", and it could very easily get out of hand, and you could end up with more visitors than you know what to do with.

Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

10 Things You Should Always Do When Using a Forum

Getting off to a good start with forums requires understanding the protocol which is standard with most communities. Following the guidelines below will help you obtain the best results and provide for an enjoyable forum experience.

Before posting a new topic or question, use the forum search feature to see if your issue has already been recently discussed. Look around the community and post your question in the proper board. Many new members have a tendency to post in the wrong area such as a 'Welcome and Introductions.' A welcome board is for new members to say hello, not to post an issue or question. Be polite and respectful. Remember that most members on a community forum are regular people just like you. They volunteer their time and advice to assist others. Compose your message in the default font and text color. Crazy fonts and colors just make for difficult reading. Use proper grammar, capitalization and paragraph formatting. Many people are so used to texting now that their written words resemble a text message and may be difficult to read. Use the spell checker option and always 'preview' the message before posting it. Give a full description of your issue so others don't have to post numerous questions to discover what you need help with. But, keep it concise. Example: For computer issues, list your basic computer specs along with the operating system. If software is in question, list the version number. For other devices such as cell phones, appliances or electronic equipment, list the model number and any other pertinent information. Post your topic in one area only. Posting the same topic in multiple boards makes it more difficult for other members to respond to your issue. This may be considered 'flooding' and the extra posts will be removed. Once your post begins to generate interest with replies or suggestions, keep it on topic. If you happen to have another unrelated issue, start a new thread. If the community has a recognition system such as Likes, Kudos, or Thumbs Up, use it to give approval to other members whose post content was helpful, insightful, or generally of value to the topic being discussed. It is a practical means of saying 'Thank you for that information.' Most forums have an option to mark a particular post as the Accepted Solution to an issue. This option is generally reserved only for the person who originated the topic. So, if you started a topic due to a question or issue you were having and someone posted the solution which worked for you, please mark that person's post as the 'Accepted Solution.' This not only gives credit to the member who took the time to assist you, but also helps in the search results for others to resolve the same issue. And a short 'Thanks for the help' message is always appreciated.

Each community forum has its own set of User Guidelines. Some communities are wide open and allow virtually anything. However, the vast majority of productive and successful communities will have guidelines which reflect the suggestions I have posted above.

So, find a community that meets your needs and go get some answers or help someone else!

Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

Forums Are Great Websites For Sharing Ideas, Opinions, and Information About Specific Subjects

So, you love the New York Yankees, or maybe the Los Angeles Lakers, or it could possibly be the Manchester United soccer team. Regardless of the team or the topic, free forums are great places to learn and share your passion about the theme of your choice. If you have an obsession for something, the great thing about the World Wide Web, is that it lets you pass along your thoughts and opinions to others, who just might feel the same way as you do.

If you are not familiar with forums, they are interactive membership based websites that are usually based on a certain topic. The theme can be as well established as internet marketing or sex for that matter, to as little known of a subject that you could possibly think of.

At these types of sites the members have the ability to comment on other people's thoughts or opinions, ask questions, or share valuable information that they might think would be useful for other members. Most forums are free, and they are very easy and quick to join.

There are so many fantastic aspects to forums, they are almost too numerous to even try and list. But, we will mention a few. First, you have the ability to ask a question and get an answer about a subject, that there is not any information on the internet, or anywhere else for that matter. An example of this would be a recent travelers experience to a exotic vacation destination. Or maybe how somebody liked a hotel, restaurant, or a car rental company that is located far away on the other side of the world from where the person asking the question lives.

Second, at the other end of the spectrum, are the topics that are extremely popular and have worldwide interest. Many people love their favorite sports teams even more than everything else in life in some cases. At these types of forums, there will always be lively and hotly debated discussions regarding the team's last game, or the most recent news about the team.

Third, another great thing about forums is believe it or not, people like reading what they themselves have written. They will come back time and again just to read the comments they previously wrote. These very same people also like to read what other people thought about their opinions or ideas. If they happen to be negative, these can and do sometimes turn into the most interesting threads on the forum. When this happens, people start arguing and other members will tune in often, just to read the nasty comments some members leave about other members.

There can be no debating the fact, without the internet, free forums would have never become so popular. They certainly fill a niche that no other type of website provides, and that is one of the reasons there are so many of them. If you have a special interest in a subject, why not do a search for it and put the word "Forum" in behind it and see what you come up with. Hopefully, and with any luck, you just might be pleasantly surprised.

Forum Marketing: How to Use Forums to Build Your Online Business   Who Wants to Make $100 a Day Online? How to Use Forum Posting to Make Money Online   The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Having A Forum On Your Website   Are You Afraid to Spend the Money on a Membership Site?   

Why Use PHP Application Development

PHP is a programming language mainly used for web development so that flexible, dynamic and interactive tailor-made application programs can be created. In case you want your application program to be both effective as well not very costly then PHP application development is the ideal solution for you.

A PHP script is coded and is set in the HTML resource document and construed by a web server. It should contain a processor module so that a web page document is generated. It, too, has advanced to contain an interactive command-line potential such that it can be used in the unconnected graphical function. It can be installed on nearly all web servers. It can also be used on almost all operating systems as a standalone interpreter. The software can be installed on any platform without any charge. You can also find software which is commercial like for instance the Rad PHP which stands for rapid application development structure for PHP lingo. This web side scripting language was developed as a competitor for Active Server Pages from Microsoft.

Why opt for app development in PHP?

Why should you choose only PHP to develop your apps when there are quite a lot of other options available? The reason is that PHP is the most excellent platform for attribute rich website growth and therefore a perfect option when developing an internet site. The following are the features of the application program which makes it the best choice among other application programs:

• The costs are very less because you need to pay for only the development remaining all other requirements is freely available.

• Royalty need not be paid and hence there are no added expenses

• Well-matched with a variety of web browsers and databases

• Shopping carts can be created for e-commerce websites with the help of this programming language.

• Decrease the time required to produce big websites

• Works together with HTML, hence making it simple to incorporate into a web-site

• Safety and security of a very high level can be assured.

• With PHP websites can be loaded very quickly as well as easily

• The application developed by any PHP Development Company can be made user friendly to a very large extent.

• It is a language to write scripts for general purposes on the server-side. This language was originally developed for the web so that creation of active web pages becomes easy.

The syntax of a PHP Development Program is actually taken from c, Perl and Java. It also has a couple of its own features that are unique to this language as well. The main aim of this program development was to permit the developers to write code which would generate web pages at a fast rate. It is a common purpose computer programming language, and the code is studied and treated by an interpreter utility that conveys the command line carrying out of the foundation PHP code incorporated within an exceptional source file.

Magento Development: 7 Best Magento Extensions for an Online Business   Sell Better Through an E-Store   Tips To Improve Coding And Web Development   Buying a Website Domain: Keeping Up With Business Trend   

It's Easy To Build Your Own Site

Some people spend thousands of dollars on programmers because they don't know how to create a WordPress website for their business. There's no need to shell out the big bucks when you can do it yourself, for a fraction of the cost, and sometimes no cost at all. This article is an easy guide on how to create a WordPress website for a small business.

Firstly, You can get a free domain ending with the words, or, to be more professional, get your own web address. GoDaddy is a popular choice for domains. Head on over there, search for a relevant domain name, and buy it. Then, head on over to a site like HostGator for a cheap hosting plan.

After you have set up domain and hosting, go to WordPress to download and install the free software. You can also use the QuickInstall feature through HostGator's cpanel. The cPanel will also show you how to create a WordPress website. You will set up your user-name and password as an admin over there. There are many free themes that you can use. Find and install whatever you like- this can also be changed later.

On your Dashboard, you will see a summary of posts, pages, categories and tags. Delete the defaults and replace them with whatever you would like. You will also see a listing of comments approved, pending and spam. On the left hand side, click on posts to add new posts, categories, tags, or see a list of posts. Click on Pages to see a list of pages and edit or add new pages to your site. Use the appearance tab to manage themes, widgets and menus, and the plugins feature to search for, install and edit any of the free plugins. There are literally thousands of plugins that you can install for your convenience, whether you want to put in advertisements, a shopping cart or almost any feature out there. On the left hand side of your dashboard, you can also manage users, tools and settings, as well as any additional features from the themes and plugins that you have installed. Try out the many options.

Try out the above instructions on how to create a WordPress website for beginners. You may also consider visiting our website for a more personalized step by step guide on creating your customized website. We have prepared easy manuals designed to cater to WordPress beginners.

Magento Development: 7 Best Magento Extensions for an Online Business   Sell Better Through an E-Store   Tips To Improve Coding And Web Development   Buying a Website Domain: Keeping Up With Business Trend   

Ready for a Website? What Should You Consider Before You Buy or Make Your Website?

Hello, I'm going to give you something to think about and try to help you make good choices before you put up a website.

This isn't meant to be a "catch-all" for new webmasters and explain everything. This is however my personal experience from both sides of the fence, both website purchaser and website developer.

Buying a website

Building a website is an ongoing process that takes dedication, focus, understanding of not only one programming language but multiple languages. So before you go about buying a website for your business understand, a good website isn't built over-night and a good webmaster doesn't make successful websites, they just make websites.

Don't expect your webmaster or the site they've created for you to solve all your financial problems. Even a stylish and fancy website will fail if it is not maintained and updated frequently. You should never submit to buying a website without any plan or direction also don't buy a website in the middle of a big advertisement campaign, wait until the time is right and you have time to focus on helping your webmaster understand your needs.

Webmasters know a lot about websites and can be very helpful and even wise, but no matter how smart a webmaster is we can't read minds! The communication between you and your webmaster should be constant, positive and full of detail. Telling your webmaster that "Your site is broken and they need to fix it" is suitable I suppose. But giving your webmaster informed details about any errors or what you were doing which may have caused the error will greatly reduce the time a webmaster takes to solve any issues or errors.

Good webmasters care about their work and can spend a long time going over a website to mak

Choosing Silverlight Over Other RIA Technologies for Development Purposes

The use of Microsoft Silverlight is highly popular to develop interactive rich internet applications. The technology is facing a tough competition as there are other players in the market such as Flash, Flex and Java. However, it has successfully positioned itself as the first choice for business owners.

With the great flexibility of cross-compatibility, the applications can run on different operating systems to attract larger target market. The businesses will not have to incur costs on porting the application to different platforms for reaching a set of population. So, the businesses can take Silverlight application development services in order to develop interactive web applications for different platforms.

Let's consider some of the main benefits of using Silverlight development over other RIA technologies:

1. Cross Compatibility: As mentioned before, it allows cross-compatibility with different operating systems, browsers and devices. The common problem faced by developers is to develop a compatible web or mobile solution, which is easily solved by Silverlight technology.

2. Availability of Development Team: Many Microsoft partners have proper Silverlight development team comprising of Silverlight developers who can develop robust and quality solutions for different business types.

3. Easy To Design and Develop: The Silverlight technology ensures a robust and scalable solution that has aesthetically pleasing design to allure end-users. The professional developers will make it easier for you to design and develop a perfect application.

4. Time Reduction: The time to develop and deploy interactive applications is drastically reduced as it guarantees compatibility with different devices. Therefore, the developers don't take much time to test it on different devices before launching the solution.

5. Cost-effectiveness: It is a free plug-in on.NET framework that reduces the costs incurred on licensing costs. Moreover, the reduced time also reduces the development costs to a great level, resulting in cost-effectiveness for the business.

If you also want a RIA development solution, you must trust only on Silverlight technology. There are various Silverlight application development companies that help businesses with quality and cost-effective RIA solutions. You can discuss your requirements with one of the reliable companies to ensure good results out of your investments.

While you are making a selection, you must ensure their experience in using this technology for development purposes. The expertise will give you an assurance that you will get commendable results for your business enterprise. Once you select a company, you can sign a non-disclosure agreement with the company to keep your idea secure.

Magento Development: 7 Best Magento Extensions for an Online Business   Sell Better Through an E-Store   Tips To Improve Coding And Web Development   Buying a Website Domain: Keeping Up With Business Trend   

How Collaboration Works Between Marketing Department And Website Development

At this point of time, after more than twenty five years since the internet became mainstream, it is no longer a question whether a company should have a website or not. By default every company, ranging from one person companies to businesses that employ thousands of employees, has a website. The more important question marketing managers of a company should ask is how good or bad is their website. The number of customers who do not seek out more information about the company they are buying products from is a minority.

Customers And Website Communication

With a large number of customers depending on a website for information, it is important that no company ignores the importance of website to their website. In many ways, a website is almost like a salesman who is working round the clock, advising prospective, current and past customers what exactly is the company offering and why they should buy them. A website can be as interactive as one wants it to be or it can be extremely dull out of sheer ignorance.

It is not just about the appearance and presentation of a website that matters. Most customers would not know about the company web address. Of course, website address is printed and advertised on the company products, in ads and of course marketing material and business cards. However, the website address is not really something that people can remember unless it is something that they use every day like Facebook.

Inevitably, every customer turns to search engines like Bing or Google to look up the website they want to reach. Customers start by typing in search words that they think represents a particular company website. So, there must be some kind of a link between the words the customers might possibly use and the website that you have built. This is probably the most difficult part because it requires a fairly heavy dose of research. The marketing department has a tough task cut out for them because if they unable to find those keywords that will link to their website, customers may not find the company website at all.

Search Engine Optimization

This is not the only challenge that the marketing department is going to face. The words that the customers use may be fairly generic and could apply to hundreds of companies in the same industry. So the key job here is to ensure that the customers will find your company when they search for what they want, instead of a competitor company. This process of getting your name right at the top of the search engine results is called search engine optimization.

Linking the words and getting your website on top of the search results is a collaborative effort between web developer and marketing department. Marketing is something that is an integral part of any company. Except for maybe some specific tasks like advertising and content creation marketing management it is within the part of the main company system. However, enormous financial and time benefits can be derived by having a third-party company involved in web development and its maintenance.

When it comes to having your company website built, the choice comes down to freelancers and website development companies. If you are a company then it simply makes business sense that you deal with another company. The key difference is the standard difference you would find between a person and a company. With a person you are looking all the problems that you tied to working with a single person. However, when you are dealing with a company you can expect the same level of professionalism that you would extend to your customers.

Magento Development: 7 Best Magento Extensions for an Online Business   Sell Better Through an E-Store   Tips To Improve Coding And Web Development   Buying a Website Domain: Keeping Up With Business Trend   

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